
Travel Drumheller is a not-for-profit destination marketing organization (DMO). We create and implement marketing campaigns showcasing the Drumheller region. We support tourism businesses to develop the region as a year-round destination.


Drumheller is an iconic Canadian Destination


To promote Drumheller as a premier year-round destination

Opportunities & Requests for Proposals

Staff and Board of Directors

With diverse backgrounds and experience, meet the passionate group that form the Travel Drumheller Staff and Board of Directors. If you wish to become a director of Travel Drumheller please contact us at admin@traveldrumheller.com.

Board Reports and Strategy

Board Reports and Strategy

With diverse backgrounds and experience, meet the passionate group that form the Travel Drumheller Staff and Board of Directors on our About page. If you wish to become a director of Travel Drumheller please contact us at admin@traveldrumheller.com.

The board meets monthly and here you will see the board packages from those meetings as well as the annual marketing plan produced.

In 2022, the Board approved a three year Strategic Plan for the organization. There was an update on progress made on the plan at the 2023 AGM in April.

Business Impact Survey

Local businesses are generally optimistic about the future and non-tourism businesses are strongly supportive of the tourism industry. These are two key findings from a recent business survey funded by Community Futures Big Country and completed in partnership with Drumheller & District Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Drumheller Economic Development Department and Travel Drumheller.

In April 2022 Community Futures Big Country released the Drumheller and Region Business Survey and Analysis Report. From January to March 2022 a survey campaign was undertaken by the project partners, resulting in significant outreach to local business owners. The survey collected responses from local businesses in the Drumheller region (including Starland Country). In total, 113 businesses provided their perspective on topics including workforce satisfaction, current business status, their future outlook, the impact of tourism, and familiarity with project partners. Key themes identified in the report include:

  • Local businesses are generally optimistic about the future;
  • While employers are, overall, happy with their current staff, they view the broader labour pool as a weakness;
  • Many businesses in the community are seasonal in nature, relying on strong summer months to sustain their operations through lesser winter seasons;
  • Benefits to doing business in the area include the “people” and its small-town appeal;
  • Drawbacks to operating a business in the Drumheller region include the lack of population growth and high operating costs;
  • The strong tourism sector and geographic location were seen as both strengths and drawbacks to running a local business.

Our Commitment to Excellence

At Travel Drumheller, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence in all aspects of tourism. As a Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge signer, we prioritize sustainability in our operations. Our memberships with leading industry organizations, including Travel Alberta, Destination Canada, Indigenous Tourism Alberta, and the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce, ensure we stay at the forefront of best practices. We are dedicated to creating memorable, responsible travel experiences that honour our rich cultural heritage and natural landscapes. Join us in exploring the wonders of Drumheller, where every visitor is welcomed with open arms. Read more