Meet the Artist – Kalum Teke Dan
Meet the Artist behind the incredible Indigenous work – Kalum Teke Dan.
Join us for an incredible night with Kalum, he’s going to be in store showing his incredible technique while completing various pieces.
There will beverages and light snacks, with drummers, singers, and storytelling. This is an event not to be missed.
This is an exclusive event with limited tickets, get yours today!
About Kalum Teke Dan
“I am taking this opportunity to share my collection of paintings that I have created over the last 15 years of my career as an indigenous artist based out of Calgary. Alberta. My ancestry is of the Blood tribe in southern Alberta. It is my connection to my traditional, spiritual, and cultural background that has inspired my body of work.
I grew up in Calgary with my mom Joanne Dan. who has been supportive throughout my career that began in my teens. I am primarily self-taught, developing my skills through observations, practice and dedication to my craft. I work in oil, acrylic, and watercolour choosing themes that reflect my unique perceptions of my spirituality and being indigenous in the modern-day society. My designs represent my conceptualizations of the subjects I am painting, whether it’s an individual, a group, animals, or a compilation.”