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Industry Insights

Industry Insights

Tourism Indicators

We would like to provide aggregate data from the Drumheller Region to indicate how the Tourism Industry is growing locally. This data will be invaluable as we use it to compare with provincial data and local businesses can use it as a benchmark to see how their business is performing. Travel Drumheller needs your help to create these Tourism Indicators. Please submit your metrics through the appropriate form below. All data will remain confidential and only be shared when combined. If you are a business that falls under two business categories (eg. a cafe that sells retail products as well as food and beverage items) please split these two sales categories so our data remains as accurate as possible. If you’re not sure what category you should submit information under, please contact us.

Resident Sentiment

The local community is a valuable part of tourism in the Drumheller Valley. In August, Travel Drumheller partnered with Travel Alberta to conduct a tourism resident sentiment survey across Alberta with a special interest in the Drumheller Valley. The aim was to determine how Albertans and the Drumheller Valley community feel about tourism, including their opinion of the role of tourism in economic development, tourism’s impact on their community, as well as tourism’s benefits and costs to communities.

We are looking to understand and track resident sentiment towards tourism in Alberta compared to specific communities, including the Drumheller Valley, over time to enhance and guide our decisions for tourism destination management and development, and to create continued engagement with our community about the role of tourism in the development of our economy. Read the report below.


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